

5 Technologies Invented by Brazilians


Did you know that there are some technologies that were invented by Brazilians? Therefore, we prepared this article with 5 examples of technologies that were invented by Brazilians for you to discover and be surprised by the inventions. So, keep reading and make great discoveries.

We always look at inventions that were created outside of Brazil and we often don't remember that our country is rich in many things. However, to help you better understand the inventions created by Brazilians, check out the 5 technologies invented by Brazilians below, and the history of each one.

5 exemplos de tecnologias que foram inventados por brasileiros
Technology (Image: Google)

5 examples of technologies that were invented by Brazilians 

Firstly, for those who don't know, there were more than 5 technologies that were invented by Brazilians. However, in some cases they ask for merit, like what happened to the Brazilian priest Roberto Landell de Moura in 1893 when he created radio transmission. Furthermore, the typewriter also has a small Brazilian hand in its invention, as in 1861 Father João Francisco adapted letters and sheets of paper to write with his piano, but it was only successful when the United States discovered the idea. 


But, some inventions were highly valued around the world, you can be sure that you have already heard of them, but had no idea that it had been invented by a Brazilian. Therefore, check out 5 examples of technologies that were invented by Brazilians below. 


This is certainly one of the most famous and even controversial inventions. Because some North Americans claim their authorship. However, the person largely responsible for this invention is Santos Dumont, who was the first man to take an aircraft off the ground without using equipment.

2. Radiography: 

If you were surprised by this discovery, know that the person who invented radiography was a Brazilian doctor known as Manuel de Abreu. Finally, after many years of studies, the inventor doctor developed a technology that allowed organs of the human body to be recorded, all with the help of radiographic plates.

3.Electronic ballot box:

It is a Brazilian invention 100%, it was created in 1989 by Carlos Prudêncio from Santa Catarina and the first time it was put into use was in 1995 and to this day it is used in municipal, state and federal elections.

4.3D Cinema:

It was created in Rio de Janeiro in 1934 by an Italian-Brazilian inventor Sebastião Comparato.

5.Electronic Panel at Football Games:

The electrical panel, the one used in football stadiums, was created by Carlos Eduardo Lamboglia from Ceará. The equipment was used for the first time during the 1998 World Cup in France. 

In addition to these cases, there is an invention that has been and continues to be very successful in the gaming area. Kinect is a controller with a motion sensor compatible with the Xbox 360. Anyway, it was created by Brazilian Alex Kipman and was initially called Project Natal in honor of the capital of Rio Grande do Norte. See, there are countless inventions created by Brazilians! 

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