

Baião de Dois: Learn This Simple and Delicious Recipe.


First of all, it is important to note that baião de Dois is a popular dish in Ceará cuisine. Generally, in its original recipe it is made with rice and green beans. In addition, some other ingredients are added to the mixture, which may vary according to taste and tradition. This way, learn this simple and delicious recipe.

However, if you usually diet, try not to overdo it, as it can be a little caloric. But at the same time, the two bayonet It is a complete dish full of nutrients. Furthermore, most recipes include dried meat and bacon when preparing it. But, if you don't eat meat, you can also remove it and make it just with vegetables.

Furthermore, the secret is to pay attention to the green seasoning, garlic and onion, this way the recipe will be even tastier. So, if you want to welcome friends and have a pleasant weekend, make this recipe. Without a doubt, everyone who tries it will be satisfied in every aspect.

Aprenda Fazer Baião de Dois Simples e Delicioso
Baião de Dois recipe (Image: Canva Pro)

Make Dishes to Match Baião de Dois.

One of the most requested recipes to serve as a side dish with baião de Dois is French fries. Generally, when done correctly, the result is a dry and crispy potato. This will add an even more special touch to your recipe, not to mention the delicious combination.

Furthermore, you probably thought that because there is pepperoni and bacon in the recipe, no meat would be necessary. But, be aware that sun-dried meat goes very well with this dish. 

Just like fries, delicious fried cassava also goes very well as a side dish. Furthermore, if done correctly, it is possible to obtain an extra flavor for the dish. Baião de Dois also goes well with a good lambão sauce, which looks like a vinaigrette, but adds pepper, very common in the Northeast. 

Finally, you can also prepare a delicious farofa to accompany the meal. Therefore, there is no shortage of options to accompany your delicious baião de dos. To do this, just use your imagination and mix flavors however you want.

Ingredients for the Baião de Dois Recital.

  • Half a kg of green beans.
  • 1 paio sausage in slices.
  • 2 meat broths dissolved.
  • 1 whole medium onion, grated.
  • 3 tablespoons of oil (tablespoon).
  • 1 large clove of garlic, crushed.
  • Green seasoning to taste.
  • 2 ½ cups of drained rice.
  • 200g of curd cheese, cut into slices.

Check out now how to prepare this Baião de Dois recipe.

First, soak the clean beans the day before preparing them. The next day, cook the beans with the meat broth in approximately 2 and a half liters of water. Then, cover the pan and cook the beans over low heat for approximately 1 hour.

Now, while the beans are on the fire cooking, take another pan and add oil. Then, add the garlic, onion and pepper and wait for it to sauté a lot. Lastly, add the coriander and rice together and let it cook a little longer.

However, after the beans are fully cooked, add them to the mixture from the previous pan and cover the pan. You can add the beans along with the broth they were cooked in, it’s delicious. Now, wait until the rice is completely creamy and moist.

To finish, turn off the heat, add the cheese and then cover the pan again, letting the cheese melt with the steam. Now, just serve it warm with your favorite accompaniments.

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