

Tropeiro Beans: Discover Now How They Were Created.


First, for those who love to eat tropeiro beans If you don't know where he came from, know that he is completely Brazilian. Well, the origin of the recipe is totally related to a phenomenon that occurred in Brazil in the 18th to 19th centuries. In this way, a phenomenon called Tropeirismo enabled enormous growth in several regions at that time.

Thus, the men called tropeiros were travelers who traveled on horses carrying various goods. These include gold, livestock and precious stones to be traded. As a result, they spent several days on the roads and needed to eat quickly and conveniently. So, as the trips were extremely long and tiring, some of them crossed states, so it was important to transport durable food. 

However, transport was carried out in baskets to be transported on top of horses. Furthermore, at the same time, Brazil suffered in several areas of European influence. However, cooking was no different. Therefore, the drovers began to make mixtures to eat from the food they were transporting. For example, dried meat, bacon, beans, flour, etc. So, that's where the dish came from.

Feijão Tropeiro - Descubra Agora Como Ele Foi Criado
How Tropeiro Beans Were Created (Image: Canva Pro)

Did you know that this dish is typically Minas Gerais?

So, as seen so far, tropeiro beans emerged through drovers who made trips in the Minas Gerais regions. Therefore, despite being a typically Minas Gerais dish, it also represents a historical moment in Brazil. The main base of the dish is beans, cassava flour, bacon and dried meat. Furthermore, at the time the dish underwent changes by indigenous people, Africans and Europeans, being an example of miscegenation.

However, it is not just in Minas Gerais that this dish is found. In general, served in restaurants throughout Brazil. Therefore, in most tourist cities you can find this delicacy. Furthermore, depending on the place you may see this dish in very different combinations. In other words, according to the culinary culture of each city.

Currently, the tropeiro bean dish has several different versions, but they are all very tasty. Because, over time, the dish was increased with several other spices, becoming different from the original version. Without a doubt in any of them, the change brought improvements.

See How to Make Delicious Tropeiro Beans.

So, see below a recipe for very tasty and easy-to-prepare tropeiro beans. Although it has several ingredients, most of them you will generally have at home, making preparation much easier. Therefore, you will start by putting the beans to cook until they are soft, without them falling apart.

While the beans are cooking, add bacon and sausage to fry well. Then, sauté the onion and garlic until golden. Later, add the other seasonings and sauté a little more. Lastly, mix all the stew with the beans, taste the salt and serve your delicious tropeiro beans.

Additionally, you can serve beans with simple white rice and a salad of your choice. Generally, some people mix it with cassava flour before eating, it is really delicious. But, for those who are not used to eating this way, you can easily eat it plain or make other combinations.

Tropeiro Beans are Very Nutritious.

Generally, some people think that this delicacy is unhealthy. However, it is important to remember that it is very nutritious, despite its ingredients. Well, the base of the dish is beans, which are very rich in nutrients and low in calories.

Furthermore, this delicious bean is rich in vitamin B, and helps reduce excessive tiredness. However, it is also rich in iron and helps combat low immunity. So, without a doubt, it’s worth trying the delicious tropeiro beans.

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