

Delicious Creamy Corn Cake Recipe.


Without a doubt, you can find different types of corn cake recipes available. Well, in Brazil this is one of the most famous cakes. Especially during June festival times. Furthermore, the recipe has several possible variations. So, you can find the cake made with cornmeal, canned or fresh corn and also with coconut, cheese or guava paste. So, you will see below how to do this delicious creamy corn cake recipe.

Therefore, it is important to remember that regardless of the recipe variation, the cake is always tasty. With this, you can always add something to keep it from getting boring. Furthermore, making a creamy cake may not be as easy as making a regular cake, but if you follow the steps correctly, it is possible. In addition to the flavor, the cake is simple to prepare, even if it doesn't seem like it. Also, it is not necessary to use a mixer, so you will just use the blender.

However, the best part of the cake is the smell of corn that gives off when taken out of the oven. So, you will certainly have difficulty waiting for it to cool down before you can eat it. So, make this recipe for an afternoon snack, breakfast or evening and enjoy it with friends and family. However, it is also worth noting that you will need around 1 and a half hours to prepare the cake. So, choose to only do it when you have time available.

Receita Deliciosa de Bolo de Milho Cremoso
Corn Cake recipe (Image: Canva Pro)

Ingredients for the Delicious Creamy Corn Cake Recipe.

  • Two and a half cups of corn kernels.
  • A cup of whole milk.
  • Half a cup of coconut milk.
  • A cup of grated coconut. 
  • Two cups of cornmeal.
  • One and a half cups of sugar.
  • ¾ of a cup of oil.
  • A spoonful of baking powder.
  • Four whole eggs, sifted.
  • A bit of salt.

How to Make This Creamy Corn Cake.

First, before starting the recipe, preheat the oven to 180°C, adjusting the oven rack to a central position. Then, start greasing a cake pan, then set it aside. Then, place the corn together with the milk in the blender and blend until a homogeneous mixture is formed. Then, also add the cornmeal, coconut milk, sugar, eggs, oil, coconut and salt, wait to beat until the mixture thickens. 

Then add the baking powder and beat a little more to mix with the dough. Now, take the prepared pan and place the cake batter to bake for about 50 minutes. Or, you can insert a knife or toothpick into the dough to see if it comes out clean, if it does, the cake is baked. After the cake is baked, take it out of the oven and run a knife along the edges until the dough releases from the pan. 

To finish, wait for the cake to cool for about 15 minutes, then, to unmold, turn the cake onto a cake stand and then just serve. What's more, if you want you can also freeze the cake for about 3 months. This way, when you feel like snacking on a corn cake, it will be available to just defrost.

Corn Cake: Simple and Traditional Recipe.

Finally, it is worth highlighting that corn cake is one of the most traditional recipes in Brazil. Furthermore, it contains ingredients that are easy to find at home. 

Therefore, it ends up being quite economical, as you won't need many ingredients to prepare. You can make this recipe for a snack or breakfast in the afternoon, morning and night. Therefore, there are no excuses not to try the recipe in your home. 

So, gather your friends and family and leave their mouths watering for this delicious creamy corn cake recipe.

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