

Traffic Fines: Check out 3 Things that Generate Fines.


To the tickets can cause a lot of headaches for drivers, mainly because there are unusual situations that happen out there.

It should be noted that the main objective of fines is to ensure safety and preservation of life and integrity. In addition, there are very old laws that, to this day, have not been changed.

So, check out some of the situations that deserve your attention.

Multas de Trânsito Confira 3 Coisas que Geram Multas
Traffic (Image: Canva Pro)

Headphones at the Wheel.

Headphones are easy and practical items that make your routine simpler. However, driving with them is a problem.

It turns out that the act of driving requires full attention, including your ears, as there are several important sound effects.

Therefore, the fine is described in the CTB, article 252, is of medium severity and amounts to R$ 130.16. Take the opportunity to discover the best Tips to make your car smell like new!

Loud Sounds and Horns for No Reason Generate Traffic Fines.

In Brazil, it is common for cars to run loudly. However, this is an offense whenever it exceeds the permitted limits and you may have to pay up to R$ 200 for this.

Likewise, honking your horn without reason or in prohibited places, such as near hospitals, can result in fines of up to R$ 100.

The use of the horn is restricted to third-party alerts, with a brief blast, and the ban is also scheduled between 10pm and 6am.

Stickers on the Windshield and Excessive Loads.

Other situations that generate traffic fines include stickers on the windshield, reaching R$ 200. Whether inscriptions, stickers or others. Apart from the 5 points on the license and car retention.

Furthermore, excessive charges can generate the same costs as stickers on the windshield. So, when you travel and fill up your car, be careful.

These two situations aim to ensure safety during the journey, so that you are able to perform your role as a driver with maximum effectiveness.

Traffic Fines: Other Possible Situations.

If you are one of those people who always carry your pet in the car, be careful: the pet should not be carried in the front, on your lap or with its head out. Therefore, you can use transport boxes, car seats or harnesses, all with belts, which secure the pet to the seat.

Another situation that can generate fines is driving at low speed (you didn't read that wrong), as this can impede traffic.

Finally, if you run out of fuel midway, the fine could exceed R$ 130 and you will also have to pay the costs of the vehicle retention yard.

Fine Considerations.

The most common traffic fines involve dangerous overtaking, cell phone use and parking in a prohibited/reserved location.

On the other hand, there are also unusual and little-publicized fines, such as wetting pedestrians or throwing items out of windows. Since this also compromises the road.

Therefore, always be careful and do your part, avoiding fines and points on your license that could end up causing you to lose your license. For more curiosities like these, check out our entire website and see the world from other angles. 

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