

5 Incredible Places to Travel in Brazil.


You amazing places to travel in Brazil What we have separated here is focused on allowing you to enjoy the country more, leaving the obvious, those super touristy places that are always full of people.

Furthermore, we have put together some important tips to consider when choosing your trip, to make the most of these rest days.

This way, it will be easier to plan everything, pack your bags and start choosing where to stay, which may require some time to plan everything. Check out!

5 Lugares Incríveis Para Viajar no Brasil
Nobres Natural Pools (Image: Google)

Nobres: Discover the Wonderful Natural Pools.

Nobres is one of the most recommended destinations for those who have heard of Bonito and were enchanted by the blue-toned waters.

Thus, Nobres has incredible natural pools that will take your breath away, with crystal clear waters, many waterfalls and really beautiful natural views.

Precisely for this reason, you will find tourist tours, you can swim with the fish, visit caves and have fun on the zip lines. Nobres is in Mato Grosso, more specifically 150km from the center of Cuiabá.

Garanhus: A Paradisiacal Place.

Little known to Brazilians, Garanhus is located in the interior of Pernambuco, and is ideal for those who want to go on vacation in a more peaceful, warm and paradisiacal place. Although, in winter, the weather can get quite cold.

The highlight here is the local architecture, with lots of flowers and flowerbeds, green areas and visiting spaces.

So, be sure to visit the São Bento Monastery and the Mãe Rainha Sanctuary. Still in Pernambuco, it is worth checking out Bezerros and Brejo da Madre de Deus.

Algodoal Island: Incredible places to travel in Brazil.

Algodoal Island is located in Pará and is one of the best destinations for peace and quiet amidst beaches, mangroves and several ecological trail options.

As it is rarely visited, the place has calm and few accommodation options, so it is recommended to do a lot of research before choosing and enjoying the boat crossings.

In the city you can learn more about the local tradition with old and original buildings, dating back to the 1920s. So, you can get off the beaten track beautiful places in the United States and tour Brazil.

Petar: An Unknown Place, but Worth Seeing.

Petar is an unknown corner of Iporanga, in the State of São Paulo, which has several famous caves, as well as many trails, rivers, waterfalls and sets of mountains.

No wonder, it is best known for backpackers and adventurous travelers who want to practice rafting, cascading and tubing. Or you can just rest and enjoy the view.

In fact, it is worth highlighting other hidden corners of São Paulo, such as Águas de São Pedro, Parelheiros, Eldorado, São Sebastião and Socorro.

One of the Incredible Places to Travel in Brazil is the European Valley.

ValeEuropeo is located in Santa Catarina, and is made up of several small municipalities, such as Nova Trento, Ascurra and Rodeio.

As it was colonized by Europeans, the region offers a distinct cultural heritage, has several themed festivals, such as Oktoberfest, but also reserves canyons, rivers, mountains, caves and forests, where you can go on adventures.

Precisely for this reason, the place is most popular with adults who want to explore the spaces, ride a bike, practice extreme sports and enjoy beer.

Travel Tips for Little-Known Places.

Whenever you go to a little-known place, it is essential to do a lot of research before making your choices. Mainly in relation to accommodation: always check the map, avoid very remote locations and check the means of transportation.

At the same time, avoid taking too many bags, as they can become a concern. The ideal is to only take what is really necessary and always check the weather forecast.

And, if you need to catch a plane, confirm the documents and rules requested by the airline, have everything at hand and talk to other people about the trip, so you have someone who can help you if something happens.

A tip is to always have a document with emergency contact details, allergies and your blood type.

Known Places X Famous Places.

The main difference between famous and little-known destinations refers to infrastructure and number of visitors. In short, the best-known places are crowded, which can also increase the prices of accommodation and restaurants.

However, little-known locations may have fewer options available, requiring you to do more research. Especially if you're not a fan of trying very different recipes.

Finally, evaluate each of the options, make a travel quote considering your budget and always leave a “little extra” for emergencies. So, now comment on your choice and take the opportunity to check out the other posts.

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