

Fried Cassava Recipe


A fried cassava recipe is one of the most requested. After all, it is a delicious, easy, practical and ideal option for every moment. This way, you can prepare it for lunch and dinner, barbecue, as an afternoon delicacy or for celebrations with friends and family, or however you want. 

Therefore, here we separate the entire step-by-step guide to prepare it in just a few minutes, special tips and sauces to accompany this dish. Which will make everything even more delicious. 

In fact, a special tip is to always choose the cassava with the smoothest and most intact skin. After all, if it has a lot of stains or visible pulp, it's probably not fresh. At the same time, it must be moist and the pulp of the root, where it is cut, must have a uniform color. 

Receita Fácil de Mandioca Frita
Fried cassava (Image: Google)

Easy fried cassava recipe 

Initially, the ingredients you will need are: cassava, salt to taste and oil. In other words, that's all! With the cassava peeled, cut into small and long pieces, or however you prefer. Wash and place in hot salted water. The ideal is to cook for, on average, 10 minutes. Or until they are soft. 

Then drain to completely remove the water and wait for it to cool. Finally, just heat the oil and add the cassava pieces when it is hot. Let it fry until the cassava is golden, remove and let it drain on paper towel. Season with salt before serving. 

If the cassava is not getting soft, a trick is to give it a thermal shock. Then, place it in hot water, remove all the water, add ice water and cook again. 

Golden Tips 

If you are eliminating oil from your routine, or want to avoid mess, you can use an electric fryer. You will follow the same initial steps, peeling, lacquering and cooking until they are soft. 

Then, take a spray bottle or a simple one and add salt, melted margarine and oregano. You will splash or spread this mixture on the cassava, to facilitate the frying process and prevent it from drying out. The trick is to also apply this mixture to the base of the fryer. 

Ready. Place the cassava in the fryer and bake for, on average, 20 minutes at 200 degrees. In fact, a tip is to open it after 10 minutes and stir a little, turning the pieces so that they cook completely. However, don't keep stirring every minute, as this can cause the cassava to break. 

Best bar sauce 

A favorite option to serve with the fried cassava recipe is bar sauce. Which is a variable option. In other words, everyone can do it their own way. Precisely for this reason, you can add other ingredients or even prepare another option, depending on your taste. 

Here, you will use half a pepper, paprika and salt to taste, 1 tablespoon of vinegar, 3 cloves of garlic, cumin and a drizzle of olive oil. The preparation is very simple. Just chop the pepper and remove the seeds and blend with the other ingredients in a blender. Remember to add just a drizzle of olive oil or oil, or it will become soft. 

Easy fried cassava recipe with cheese sauce 

Cheese sauce is super popular. After all, it works with potatoes and fried cassava, it can be used in hamburgers and in many other recipes. Therefore, it is the type of tip that you need to write down so you never forget or lose it again. 

Therefore, the ingredients you will need are: 2 tablespoons of butter, 2 tablespoons of wheat flour, 1 cup of milk, 1 pinch of pepper (optional) and 300g of cheese. You can use a single cheese, like cheddar and mozzarella. But you can also mix more than one, which can also be interesting. 

Finally, start by melting the butter and mix in the flour, forming a dough. Then add the milk little by little, stirring constantly. When it forms a cream, add the chopped or grated cheese to make it easier. Continue stirring until smooth. Finish with pepper. Serve it hot. 

More amazing portions for you 

Finally, it's not always easy to know what to do on a day when food isn't an option. Or even on those days of celebration. Since the focus is on simpler options, to enjoy. Therefore, it is worth having options that deviate from barbecue, just to change things up a little. 

Therefore, some of the main options are: French fries, cracklings and Tuscan sausage. Since you can do everything in the electric fryer. As for cold cuts, choose salami, parsley, olives and mozzarella cheese. You can also serve toast with guacamole, quail eggs and even prepare fried onion threads. 

When in doubt, a varied mix is always the best option. Additionally, opt for dishes that do not contain fillings, as this allows you to save time in the kitchen. There are also those who love pieces of tomatoes or cherry tomatoes, carrot sticks, peppers and so on. 

Outback Onion – Easy and practical 

An incredible option that goes well with the easy fried cassava recipe is Outback onion. So, you will need: 1 very large onion, water, 500g of wheat flour, 3 eggs, 1 cup of milk, cayenne pepper, paprika, 500g of breadcrumbs and oil for frying. 

Now, carefully remove the skin and divide the onion into 4 parts without reaching the root, leaving 1cm. You will repeat this process until you have 16 parts. Carefully place this onion in a pan of boiling water. Leave it there until the petals start to open. Then, place it in ice water, you will see that the onion will open like a flower. Place in a colander to drain completely. 

Meanwhile, mix the eggs, milk and seasonings. Then, take the onion and dip it in the wheat flour, dropping it right in the middle to get it in. Then, beat with the eggs and finish by dredging in breadcrumbs. In other words, bread well. Then, you will fry it in hot oil and let it drain on paper towels before serving.  

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