

Easy Chicken Soup Recipe


The reasy chicken soup recipe It's one of those incredible options for cold days or even to keep ready in the freezer and guarantee a portion full of flavor in any meal, even on the hottest days. 

Therefore, here you will see step-by-step instructions on how to make your own, tips for complementing the dish or even how to store it to increase its durability. After all, you can prepare a big recipe and leave everything in individual pots. This way, the chicken soup will always be ready in the fridge. 

So, don't waste any more time, discover the traditional ingredients that will leave your dish with that thick broth, irresistible flavor and the chicken pieces that nourish and increase the feeling of satiety. Check out! 

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Easy Chicken Soup Recipe (Image: Google)

Easy chicken soup recipe 

Firstly, you will write down all the ingredients, highlighting that this recipe makes, on average, 8 servings. Note: 600g of chicken breast, 4 large potatoes, 3 liters of water, 2 vegetable or chicken seasoning tablets, 2 cups of white rice, 2 tomatoes, 3 onions, 1 leek stalk and 4 cloves of garlic. To taste you will need salt, green chillies and olive oil. 

At first, it's a good idea to chop the potatoes and tomatoes into cubes to make cooking easier. Also chop or grate the onions, leeks and garlic. An interesting tip is to cook the garlic in a pressure cooker. Separate this water and reserve it, mixing with the seasoning tablet (this reduces the common water highlighted in the ingredients). Then completely shred the chicken. 

Next, you will place the onion, garlic and leeks with the olive oil in a deep pan until they are well sautéed. Add the chicken and stir until golden. If necessary, add more olive oil. Now, add the chopped tomatoes and leave until they wilt. 

Ready base: finish 

With this base ready, it's time to move on to finalizing the broth, that is, time to mix it with the other ingredients. Then, in the pan, add the water with the mixed tablet and the potatoes. Close the pan and let it cook for fifteen minutes after coming to pressure. 

After releasing all the pressure from the pan, add the rice, stir everything and cover again, letting it cook for another fifteen minutes. In some cases, it is necessary to cook for longer. In general, assess whether the rice is completely cooked, it should break easily, and whether the potatoes are practically falling apart. 

Open the pan again and adjust the salt, if necessary, and add the green scent. Now, your easy chicken soup recipe is ready. So, just serve. 

How to reserve portions in the freezer? 

If you made a large quantity of chicken broth and want to ensure that these portions last for the rest of the week, or even for other days, the tip is to freeze it. To do this, choose glass jars that close well and are properly sanitized. A tip for this is to wash the glasses normally, put them in boiling water, remove them and let them dry. 

This way, start by placing the portions in each of the pots. Remembering that the portion must be enough for whoever is going to eat, preventing it from being defrosted and frozen again. Also, never fill it completely. The ideal is to leave a little space for freezing. 

The advantage is that the broths last up to 3 days in the refrigerator. But if you freeze it, portions will last up to three months. However, it must be defrosted once, hence the importance of dividing it into smaller pots. Furthermore, leave it to defrost in the refrigerator, avoiding a major thermal shock and reheat as you prefer when eating. 

Tips for your easy chicken soup recipe 

To conclude this topic, there are some practical tips that will make your chicken soup recipe even more incredible. The first of them is: always prepare the base ingredients well. You know that process of browning garlic, onion and frying the chicken? So, pay attention so that they are really ready for the other ingredients. 

Another tip is for those who prefer to skip the rice. In this case, the ideal is to add other ingredients to give the dish more substance. Like carrots and more potatoes. In this case, add part of the vegetables at the beginning, so that they melt, and the other part at the end, so that they are just soft.

At the same time, an interesting tip is to add some other meat to the dish. Like pepperoni sausage, bacon, smoked meats and so on. But without exaggeration. You can also add mushrooms and, when serving, croutons or pieces of toast. 

Other broth options for you to prepare 

Knowing the easy chicken soup recipe, you have no doubt about other recipes that could be part of your dish. The first of these is cassava broth. For it, you will use 1kg of peeled potatoes and chopped into 4 parts, 2 cloves of garlic and 1 onion, 250g of pepperoni in cubes/slices, 100g of bacon in cubes and seasonings to taste. Start by cooking the chopped cassava for 20 minutes or until soft. When cool, blend in a blender. In a pan, brown the meat with the grated onion and garlic. Then, add the cassava cream, adjust the seasoning and it's ready. 

Another option is bean broth, prepared with cooked beans and plenty of broth. It must be strained to remove the grain skins. Then, you add it to a pan with already sautéed garlic, onion and bacon. If you prefer, add other meats.

An advantage is that you can also choose ingredients that you like the most and prepare an incredible broth. Such as carrots, potatoes, leaves, broccoli, cauliflower, etc. So, venture into the kitchen and experience the best flavor!  

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