

Learn how to Register for CRAS Online: Step-by-Step


Developed in 2001, the Single Registry (CadÚnico) emerged as an incredible tool to offer development and integration for thousands of Brazilian families. Currently, it is necessary to update CadÚnico to receive various government benefits and, therefore, we will show you How to register for CRAS online.

Basically, CadÚnico is a social tool for articulating and consolidating the protection and promotion network of Brazilian public families. Therefore, to access Cadúnico, it is necessary to pre-register with CRAS, so that the social inclusion of the registration is effective.

In this sense, to better maintain the amount of Cadúnico data, registered families must keep their registration data always updated. Therefore, this must be done every two years, or whenever there are changes in the family, necessarily.

Aprenda como se Cadastrar no CRAS Online: Passo-a-Passo
Learn how to Register for CRAS Online (Image: Google)

Who can register for the Single Registry?

To enroll in Cadúnico and, subsequently, in CRAS, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Families with a monthly income of up to half the minimum wage per family member;
  • Families with a monthly income greater than half a minimum wage per family member, as long as registration is linked to inclusion in government social programs.

How to pre-register for CRAS?

To facilitate Brazilians' access to CRAS, in March 2022, the Federal Government launched the Cadastro Único application. Through the platform, it is possible to pre-register for those who are not yet registered or who wish to join the program.

This step is optional, aiming to speed up service. This is because citizens can, if they prefer, carry out all registration directly at CRAS or the Single Registry service point in the region where they live.

However, if you prefer to speed up the process before going to CRAS, see how to create an account at CadÚnico:

  • Download or install the CadÚnico app (Android|iOS);
  • Log in with the CPF and password registered on the Gov.BR portal (If you do not have an account, you must do so before proceeding with registration);
  • Read the authorization terms and click on “I read and agree”;
  • Finally, access the “Go to Pre-Registration” tab.

After that, you must provide the information requested by the app, to continue pre-registering with CadÚnico.

Then, after completing your pre-registration, you will need to confirm the information at a registration point in your city, or at the nearest Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS).

Therefore, you will have up to 120 days to attend CRAS, with all documents displayed to effectively complete the registration.

What documents are needed to complete registration with CRAS?

To finally register with CRAS, it is necessary to have the CPF or Voter ID of the person responsible for the family member.

For other family members, it is necessary to present at least one of these documents:

  • Birth Certificate or Marriage Certificate; 
  • CPF; 
  • Identity Card (RG); 
  • Work Card; 
  • Voter ID.

In addition, presenting updated proof of residence is mandatory.

In the case of indigenous and quilombo families, it is necessary to present one of the aforementioned documents or the Indigenous Administrative Birth Certificate (RANI).

Finally, with all the documents in hand, simply go to the nearest CRAS to finalize your registration with CadÚnico.

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