

Digital Traffic Card – Download the App on your Cell Phone


Initially, the Digital Traffic Card emerges as an innovative solution for Brazilian drivers. 

This application, a milestone in the digitalization process of public services, not only facilitates access to traffic documents, but also promotes an environmentally friendly approach. 

Therefore, this article will detail the procedures for downloading, installing and using this essential application, instigating users' curiosity to discover its multiple advantages.


What is the Digital Transit Card

To begin with, it is essential to understand the nature and functionality of the Digital Traffic Card (CDT). 

This innovative application, developed by SERPRO and made available by DENATRAN, has the main objective of offering digital versions of the CNH (National Driving License) and CRLV (Vehicle Registration and Licensing Certificate). 

CDT is not only a convenient digital alternative to traditional physical documents, but also a secure and efficient solution that aligns with current technology trends, simplifying access and management of essential documents for drivers across Brazil.

How to Download the Application

Furthermore, to download the application, available both on Google Play Store as in Apple App Store, just search for “Digital Traffic Card”. The download is free and affordable, making it easy to access for all smartphone users.

Registration and Access

To use the Digital Traffic Card application, it is essential to register on the portal. This process, crucial for the security and personalization of the service, involves entering your CPF and creating a unique password. 

Furthermore, this step not only opens the doors to the efficient use of the Digital Transit Card, but also provides access to a wide variety of digital services offered by the government. 

In this way, the registration procedure ensures a personalized and secure experience, integrating the user into the government's digital ecosystem, which facilitates the management of services and information in a centralized and efficient way.

Application Features

The Digital Traffic Card application digitally stores the CNH and CRLV, and offers significant additional functionalities. 

One of them is the notification system about document expiration, helping drivers maintain the regularity of their documents.

Additionally, the application allows secure sharing of digital documents. This functionality makes the CDT a comprehensive tool for drivers, providing not only convenience but also security in managing traffic documents.

Tips and Observations

Finally, it is crucial to keep the application updated to ensure access to new features and security improvements. 

It is worth remembering that an internet connection is necessary for the initial download of documents, which can later be accessed offline.


In summary, the Digital Transit Card is a significant advance in the modernization and simplification of transit services in Brazil.

This app not only saves time but also promotes a cleaner environment.

We encourage you to explore other categories on our site for more useful information and updates, while always staying informed about available technological innovations.

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