

Application to Track Pregnancy.


O app to track pregnancy It has been a great sensation among mothers who are waiting for the birth of their children.

With the help of the pregnancy tracking app, you can better prepare yourself for the day the baby is born.

However, this doesn't mean that it shouldn't replace a doctor's supervision, you know? Now, let's get to the tips.

Aplicativo Para Acompanhar a Gravidez
Pregnant (Image: Google)

My pregnancy and my baby today (BabyCenter)

The first app to track pregnancy on our list is Minha Pregnancy and My Baby Today, which provides various information to mothers during the pregnancy period.

In this case, the app offers a day and week counter of how long until the child is born. Even a comparison of the baby's weight and size.

As it is an app that has a PRO version, it ends up offering many ads to those who do not subscribe to the option, hindering interactivity a bit.

Application to Track Pregnancy – Pregnancy – Sprout.

Created based on criteria developed by the Brazilian Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Pregnancy – Sprout can offer you images in up to 3D.

Furthermore, the app gives you the chance to visualize your child's growth during the gestation period. In addition to helping with the administration of tasks involving the big day of birth.

Finally, the app offers the “DOCTOR SAYS” section, which contains very interesting information related to your uterus in each week of pregnancy.


The Pregnancy+ app aims to keep you updated on your child's birth date. In other words, show how many weeks are left until the birth according to the week you presented.

Furthermore, the app offers you articles that help with the layette production list, with all the necessary details.

Finally, the app also offers a premium version that allows you to create lists, time contractions, create a birth plan and even a kick counter.

Application to Track Pregnancy – Contractions during Pregnancy 9m.

The Contractions in Pregnancy 9m app is very different from the apps I have mentioned to you so far. Well, the focus is not on monitoring the general pregnancy, but rather on the moment of birth.

In this case, the app helps you check the frequency and duration that you are having contractions and understand when it is time to finally go to the hospital or deliver the baby if necessary.

However, it is always important to remember that the app does not replace a doctor, who will tell you with greater precision the right time to bring your child into the world.

My Pregnancy Week by Week.

Similar to the apps I've already mentioned here, the Minha Pregnancy Week by Week app shows you in detail the progress of your pregnancy.

In this case, you will have access to information such as your child's weight and size compared to fruit, as well as some estimates of the day of birth.

However, one of the downsides of the app is that there are many ads, which can end up disrupting the experience as a whole, making browsing very tiring.

Application to Track Pregnancy – My Pre-Natal.

The Meu Pré-Natal app starts with a big difference as it was developed by the Faculty of Medicine of the Federal University of Minas Gerais.

However, in general, the app offers the same tools as previous apps, such as baby data and the contraction counter.

Finally, the app has a pregnancy calculator that informs you of the current stage of pregnancy and a questions section, bringing together the main questions related to pregnancy.

Layette list – The Mammys.

Another app to track pregnancy, but this time with a focus on the layette, is the Layette List – The Mammys.

The idea is to create a complete list of essential items for the baby's arrival, all separated by categories so that you can pay due attention to each one.

A positive point of the app is that you can select what you already have, according to size and thus view only what you need.

Prenatal yoga.

Unlike the apps I mentioned here, Prenatal Yoga accompanies you throughout your pregnancy in a different way.

The idea here is to offer Yoga activities, with positions that are appropriate for each trimester of your pregnancy, focusing on exercises that will help with the specific needs of each prenatal care.

Furthermore, the app does not provide pre-recorded videos, but rather varied sequences of practices to avoid monotony during the activity.


PregNur is another great app for tracking pregnancy and differs from the previous apps on our list by offering an additional feature: physical activity.

Therefore, in addition to monitoring pregnancy in general, the app teaches and suggests various physical movements, with the aim of helping and relaxing women during the pregnancy process.

However, there are two negative points of the app that need to be mentioned, the first is that it is in English and the second is that the vast majority of activities are done with some materials, which many people end up not having at home, such as a football. Pilates or even feet.


In addition to needing physical health and keeping an eye on the time until the baby is born, GentleBirth comes with a more interesting idea, meditation.

Created by a specialist in midwifery and positive birth, the idea of the app is to combine meditations with short sessions, breathing techniques, mindfulness and hypnobirthing.

In a very simple way, you can find different types of meditation on the app, depending on what you want, be it sleep, better dealing with anxiety or improving breathing during labor.

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