

Learn how to make sausage farofa


Sausage farofa is one of the unmissable recipes for all parties, whether for end-of-year celebrations, such as Christmas, barbecues, that unmissable lunch on Sunday and more. Learn how to make sausage farofa most delicious in Brazil!

Precisely for this reason, we have separated the best recipe here, so you can learn how to make it quickly. In addition, you will have several tips on how to make your recipe even more incredible or even complement your meals to accompany this dish. 

So, don't waste any more time and grab your notepad right now to know what to separate and all the essential ingredients. 

Farofa de Linguiça – Aprenda a Fazer
Sausage farofa (Image: Google)

Learn how to make sausage farofa 

At first, the rule is to separate all the ingredients you will need. So, let's talk about the main ones, which cannot be missed, and then we can think about what else can be added to the dish. 

Therefore, separate: green chillies to taste, 5 cloves of garlic, 1 onion, 1 tablespoon of butter, 3 eggs, half a packet of cassava or corn flour (ready-made), 5 wedges of Tuscan sausage and 2 tablespoons of olive oil. 

It's important that you start by getting all these ingredients ready. Then, cut the onion into small cubes, as well as the garlic. Also, remove the skin from the sausage and break it into small pieces, whether you cut it with a knife, your hands or even a food processor. 

Learn to do 

With all the ingredients in hand, it's time to start preparing. Then, take a deep pan and add the onion and oil, letting it brown. When it's almost ready, add the garlic, but keep an eye on it so it doesn't burn and it doesn't turn dark, which could make the recipe bitter. 

Then add all the sausage, the smaller the pieces the better the final result. The tip is to use a firm spoon to break up and separate the pieces. At the same time, stir occasionally until it is fried, with a more golden appearance. 

Now, add the raw eggs and stir until cooked. You will notice that scrambled egg look. When it cooks completely, add the farofa and butter. If necessary, add a pinch of salt. Mix until everything is incorporated, the butter will melt, and finish with the green smell. You can add more flour if half a bag is not enough for the other ingredients. 

Sausage farofa with bacon and pineapple 

Among the super incredible sausage farofa variations are those that include pineapple and bacon, or just one of the options. In the case of bacon, the recipe may be a little saltier, so it is essential to be careful when adding salt. Pineapple leaves the flavor slightly sweet. Then, you need to remove the excess broth. 

Finally, the pineapple can be fried together with the sausage, preferably in larger pieces, to make it stand out. Or you won't notice the ingredient, even if you taste the strongest flavor. The tip is to opt for pieces with more meat and little fat. 

As for the pineapple, cut it into small pieces and add it at the end, when everything is ready, and you have already turned off the heat. That is, along with the green smell. And if you are one of the farofeiros who love butter, add a little more to your mixture, while it is still hot, and cover the pan tightly. This way, the ingredient will melt and the farofa will have a wetter appearance. 

3 tips for a more complete farofa 

 The first tip for an even more incredible sausage farofa is to add chicken to the dish. And you have two options: you can cook it and shred it or chop it into small cubes and fry it. Just keep an eye on the amount of oil or butter used in the preparation, so that the farofa doesn't end up being too heavy. 

The second tip is to add seasonings that will make a difference to the dish, especially for those barbecues that use coarse salt. So, choose to add parsley, larger pieces of hair, garlic powder or even pieces of pork sausage. In fact, for cold farofas, you can add pieces of mozzarella or even parmesan cheese. In this case, just keep an eye on the amount of salt you add. 

Finally, the third tip is to make the sausage farofa the main dish on the table. To do this, you can serve it alongside meat and other simpler side dishes, such as sauces and purees. On the other hand, if you can't do without rice, prefer a simple version (white), to enjoy the flavor of the recipe more. 

Tricks to avoid making mistakes with sausage farofa

If you are one of those who is not used to cooking, there are always some doubts when making a dish. Even in the case of farofa, which is easy, this fear ends up getting in the way. In this scenario, the tip is to always choose fine cassava flour, without flakes. This is easier to mix with the other ingredients, incorporating well and preventing it from being difficult to hold with a fork. 

Another trick is to balance the issue of wet ingredients. In short, the more ingredients that contain fat, the wetter the farofa. Being loved by many, but not by all. If you like drier farofa, reduce the use of oil and butter and use a paper towel to remove excess. You can also make your recipe more toasted. So, just prepare it in a wide frying pan, letting it fry for longer. 

Anyway, an interesting trick is to choose a flour that makes your life easier, even avoiding the preparation of some ingredients. For example, there are options with bacon, mixed, spicy and more. By choosing these versions, you add fewer ingredients and optimize preparation time, especially if you like drier versions. So, are you still in doubt? So, check out other recipes here on the page now! 

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