

Creamy Chocolate Cake: Learn to Make This Economical Recipe.


First of all, it is important to remember that one of the most traditional cakes that exist is the creamy chocolate cake. Furthermore, the popular recipe is widely consumed in many places around the world. Therefore, Brazilian cuisine certainly could not be missing. So, check out this creamy chocolate cake recipe and learn how to make it.

Furthermore, this is the type of cake that there are countless ways to make. But, they all please most palates. Generally, any chocolate cake recipe Whatever you try, it will be irresistible. Furthermore, the recipes are usually very practical, easy and economical. You'll probably have most of the ingredients for this recipe at home.

In this way, the chocolate cake also reminds me a lot of the taste of childhood. Well, without a doubt, it's the type of cake that brings back memories of childhood, especially those at grandma's house. Follow the recipe below.

Bolo de Chocolate Cremoso - Aprenda Fazer Essa Receita Econômica
Creamy chocolate cake (Image: Canva Pro)

Ingredients for the Creamy Chocolate Cake Dough.

  • 150 grams of sifted or refined sugar.
  • 120 g chocolate powder (70%).
  • 160 g of sifted wheat flour.
  • Half a cup of oil.
  • 1/2 tablespoon of baking powder.
  • 2 whole eggs.
  • Half a cup of hot water.

Ingredients to Make the Creamy Filling.

  • 360 grams of fresh, whey-free cream.
  • 30 grams of sugar.
  • 200 grams of finely chopped 50% chocolate.
  • 3 egg yolks.
  • 180 grams of ready-made chocolate cake, crumbled.

See How to Prepare the Chocolate Cake Dough.

First, place 150 grams of sugar and 130 grams of chocolate powder in a bowl. Then, add 160 grams of wheat flour and 1/2 spoon of baking powder for cakes. Then, mix everything well. Now, add half a cup of oil and the 2 whole eggs, stir a little more.

This way, then add half a cup of hot water and stir until it becomes a homogeneous mixture. However, pour the dough into a 23×7 round pan lined with baking paper. Then place in a preheated oven at 180 C° for approximately 35 minutes. After this time, turn off the oven, remove the cake and wait for it to cool.

Now, using a knife, cut the dough into a 29 cm cake disc. Then, remove some of the cake crumb, leaving just 2 fingers from the edges. Later, also dig in the sides, you should leave just 1 centimeter at the bottom of the cake. Then, reserve the amount of crumbled cake that will be used in this recipe and whatever is left over can be saved for other recipes.

How to prepare the filling and assemble the chocolate cake.

Now, to prepare the filling, add the 30 grams of sugar, the 360 grams of cream and the 3 egg yolks. Then, mix until all the ingredients are combined. Then, place over low heat and keep stirring until it thickens and bubbles, about just 4 minutes. Then, turn off the heat and add 150 grams of chopped semi-sweet chocolate.

Once done, don't stop stirring until the chocolate has completely melted. Now, add the previously separated crumbled cake to the mixture and mix well. Thus, now place the mixture in a blender and blend well until it becomes a homogeneous mixture. If necessary, remove excess from the sides of the blender by turning it off and using a spatula.

Finally, to assemble the cake, add all of this cream into the hole made in the cake. Then, add chopped chocolate on top to decorate and set the cake aside for 3 hours in the refrigerator. Finally, just remove from the fridge, unmold and serve with juice or coffee, it's up to you.


Did you like this creamy chocolate cake recipe? So, make your chocolate cake right now and leave us your opinion in the comments. Enjoy!

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