

Elderly Person's Card – Step-by-step instructions for issuing yours at Gov.BR


Thinking about the well-being of people over 60 years old, the Federal Government created the Elderly Person's Card. Basically, it is a document that proves the income of these individuals to guarantee free access to transportation between states, in addition to other benefits. So, check out how to issue an Elderly Person’s Card through!

Initially, it is worth mentioning that the Elderly Person's Card is a social benefit guaranteed by Law 10,741/03, valid for up to 2 years. To request it, the elderly person must have an income equal to or less than two national minimum wages.

On the other hand, the Elderly Person's Card is linked to the National Secretariat of Social Assistance (SNAS). Therefore, as it is a document that gives the right to various benefits, it is commonly used among INSS beneficiaries, especially when requesting aid and social security benefits.

Carteira da Pessoa Idosa - Passo-a-passo para Emitir a sua no Gov.BR
Elderly person's wallet (Image: Google)

Who is entitled to the Elderly Person's Card?

Every Brazilian citizen over 60 years of age, who does not have proof of income and receives up to two minimum wages, is entitled to the Elderly Card.

To access it, the elderly person must be registered with Cadúnico, the registry that gives access to various Federal Government programs. Currently, registration can be carried out directly on the application, if the elderly person is already up to date with CadÚnico.

On the other hand, if they do not yet have a registration with CadÚnico, they must go to the CRAS – Social Assistance Reference Center in their region to register.

How to issue the Elderly Person's Card?

Firstly, with the website for issuing the Elderly Card, requesting the card has never been easier! To do this, simply access the Elderly Card website and follow the steps:

Step 1 – Enter the Elderly Card website

At first, access the elderly person's card website, through from this link.

Step 2 – Enter the desired option

On the website, the first step is to choose the desired option. So, to do this, click on the “Issue wallet” option;

Step 3 – Log in to your account

After clicking to issue the card, it is time to access your account on to identify the elderly person. Therefore, if you do not already have an account on the platform, you will need to create one.

Step 4 – Request the Elderly Person’s Card

Therefore, after logging in with the account, it is now possible to request the elderly person's card. At this stage, a screen will appear asking for authorization to use your data. Click on the “Authorize” option.

Then, next, the screen will show the following issuance actions, which are:

  • Issue an elderly person’s ID card;
  • Check portfolios;
  • Validation;
  • Report.

How to request the Person's Card through CRAS?

It is also possible to request the elderly person's card at the CRAS in your region. Therefore, it is necessary to attend in person if it is not issued online.

So, to do this, go to CRAS with the following elderly documents:

  • ID or CNH;
  • CPF;
  • NIS number.

Finally, it is now possible to request a senior citizen's card. Even if he does not have a registration with CadÚnico, take advantage of the moment to do so.

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