

How to Issue a MEI Invoice – Follow the Steps


Since the creation of MEI, millions of Brazilians had the possibility of formalizing themselves as entrepreneurs. In this sense, one of the best ways to organize services is through invoices and, therefore, we will show you how to issue a MEI invoice.

Although many do not know how it works, the MEI has several legal obligations, such as declaring earnings and issuing invoices. In this sense, this occurs to facilitate business analysis and, of course, provide more transparency and trust to the end consumer.

Therefore, if you recently started being a MEI, but don't know how to generate the invoice, don't worry! This is because we have provided a step-by-step guide for you to issue the MEI invoice in an easy and practical way. Check it out below:

Como Emitir uma Nota Fiscal MEI - Siga os Passos
How to Issue a MEI Invoice (Image: Google)

What are the types of MEI invoices?

Although there are several types of invoices, some of them are more suitable for MEIs. Check out:

Single invoice (NFA) 

Being a simple document, it is generated through your company's registration with the Treasury Department. To do this, simply enter the website and fill in the details for each transaction. Basically, this type of invoice is recommended for those who rarely use the system, that is, who do not issue invoices frequently.

Electronic invoice (NF-e)

Being the most common type of invoice, this model is widely used by companies that sell to other segments, such as stores that work with B2B. Furthermore, as it is a more specialized invoice, it is necessary to pay taxes for each document.

Electronic separate invoice (NFA-e)

The NFA-e is a very simple type of invoice, generally used for specific demands. Because it is only virtual, it is widely used for specific services, such as companies or people who only sell occasionally, for example.

However, it is worth mentioning that this model is not available for all states. Therefore, check with the Treasury Department to see availability in your region.

Consumer sales invoice (NFC-e)

Aimed at large companies and businesses, NFC-e allows the issuance and storage of many banknotes at the same time. However, authorization from the Treasury Department is required to issue this type of document.

How can we issue MEI invoice?

Now that you know the types of invoices, see how to issue one of them as MEI:

Step 1

To issue a MEI invoice, it is necessary to request business accreditation, in addition to unlocking the WEB password at the Treasury Department of your state.

It is worth mentioning that the process varies from each state, meaning it is not always possible to do this online. Therefore, consult the Treasury Department to check whether it is necessary to carry out accreditation in person.

Step 2

The second step to issuing the MEI invoice is to acquire the Digital Certificate for your business. Your state's Secretary of Finance is also responsible for issuing the digital certificate.

The certificate works as a type of digital signature, valid for individuals and legal entities. In practice, it is this signature that authenticates the issuance of any invoice.

Step 3

After completing the previous steps, request access to the government system at the Treasury Department. Afterwards, you will be able to issue your invoices automatically.

Finally, after this entire process, the system will be available for your MEI number. So, just go to the Finance Department website and issue invoices if necessary.

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