

How to make a complaint on the Reclame Aqui website


Firstly, Reclame Aqui is a complaints website that works as a channel between customers and companies. The platform was created to give consumers a voice and help them resolve problems with products, services or customer service. Therefore, it is important to know How to make a complaint on the complaint website here.

To make a complaint on Reclame Aqui, simply register for free on the platform and fill out a form with your request details. But you will see more steps below. After all, the site also offers the option of searching for companies to check if there are complaints about them.

In this case, if you still have questions about the website, complain here and if you had a problem with the product or service and you need to make a complaint but don't know where to start, this article is for all of you! We will show you how to make a complaint on the Reclame Aqui website, step by step.

Como fazer uma Reclamação no Site Reclame Aqui
How to make a complaint on the Reclame Aqui website (Image: Google)

Why make a complaint?

When you encounter a problem on the Reclame Aqui website, the best thing to do is complain. Making a complaint can help solve your problem and can also prevent others from having the same problem. Additionally, making a complaint is important because:

  • You will be exercising your consumer rights.
  • The company needs to know what problems customers are facing.
  • Complaints can result in improvements to the company's products and services.

Complaining is also important because this way you help protect your consumer rights and the rights of other people. Complaining about products may seem pointless, but it's actually very important. Complaints allow us to assert our rights as consumers and help improve the quality of products on the market.

Furthermore, making a well-founded complaint can lead to a refund of your money or even replacement of the product with another in good condition. Therefore, in the case of a service or if you are dissatisfied with a product you have purchased, do not hesitate to make a complaint.

How to make a complaint?

However, knowing the importance of complaints and that the Reclame Aqui website is a great tool for making complaints about products and services. It's time to learn how to make your complaint. The “How to make a complaint?” on the reclame aqui website it explains how to use the website to make a complaint.

Thus, Reclame Aqui is a Brazilian website where consumers can make complaints about products and services. If you have a complaint to make, simply follow the steps below: 

  1. You need to create an account on the website.
  2. After creating your account, you will be able to make your complaint. 
  3. Just click on the “Make a Complaint” button and follow the instructions. 

You can also view other people's complaints and see how they were resolved. Additionally, the site offers a chat channel, where you can chat with other consumers and exchange useful information.

The deadline for making a complaint is up to 45 days from the date of the problem. What if I want to cancel my complaint? Yes, you can cancel your complaint at any time. To do this, simply contact the Reclame Aqui website using the contact form available in the “Contact us” help center category.

What happens after I make a complaint?

Once a complaint is made on the Reclame Aqui website, it is sent to the company responsible for the product or service. The company has 5 working days to respond to the complaint. If the company does not respond within this period, the complaint is considered unresolved.

After the company's response, the consumer has 7 business days to assess whether the response was satisfactory. Finally, if the consumer does not evaluate the company's response within this period, the complaint is considered automatically resolved.

Furthermore, making a complaint can help you resolve your problem more quickly. When you decide to make a complaint, you must follow some important steps to ensure that your complaint is heard and resolved in the best way possible. Here are some tips:

  • Be specific about the problem. 
  • Include all relevant details, such as when and where it occurred, what caused the problem, and your expectations for a solution.
  • Write clearly and concisely.
  • Avoid long, complicated sentences.
  • Be polite. 

Even if you are upset about the problem, maintain a polite tone in your complaint. This will result in your complaint being taken more seriously.

If the company's response is considered unsatisfactory by the consumer, he or she may request that a mediator intervene in the case. The mediator has 14 working days to analyze the case and try to reach a solution between the parties. If the mediator reaches a satisfactory solution for both parties, the complaint is closed.

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