

How to Register in the Federal Government’s CadÚnico


The Single Registry has been helping a lot of people, since for the Federal Government's Social Programs, something is needed that contains information about low-income families, and which aims to facilitate access to the government's social programs. In this case, to receive this benefit you need to know How to register with the federal government's CadÚnico. There are millions of Brazilians registered with CadÚnico since its creation in 2001.

Although, in addition to registering those who need to maintain the quality of the Single Registry data, registered families must keep their registration data updated. For example, if you change your address or telephone number, have any change in your monthly income or marital status, the birth, adoption or death of a family member, your registration must be updated in person.

This must be done every two years or whenever there are changes in the family. With your updated information, it is possible to identify exactly the situation your family is in to participate in government social programs. But, if you haven't signed up yet, there's no time to waste. Because the Cadastro Ùnico has a registration deadline, let's now learn how to register.


How to register with the Federal Government Cadúnico?

First of all, we start with the profiles required according to the federal government for registration in the Single Registry. Without these profiles it is not possible to register. 

What are the profiles to register for the Single Registry?

  • Families with a monthly income of up to half the minimum wage per person.
  • Families with a monthly income greater than half a minimum wage per person, as long as registration is linked to inclusion in social programs in the three spheres of government.

If you fit the profiles above, you can register with Cadastro Único. To register, simply access the official “Cadastro Único” application in your app store, fill in all the information safely with updated data and wait for the results. In case of any difficulties, it is important that the person responsible for the family consults the nearest office in their city. When registering online, check which service stations are closest to you.

Afterwards, when making your first registration, you must follow the application's instructions and go to a single registration service point in your city, to confirm the family's data. If you cannot find it, look for the Social Assistance Reference Center ( CRAS) in your city. Maintain a commitment to the deadline to confirm your data in person within a period of up to 120 days. 

What documents are needed?

First of all, we must keep in mind which documents you will need for single registration. Starting with the person responsible for the family, they must have their CPF or Voter ID card on hand. 

For different people in the family, at least one of these documents is required: 

  • Birth certificate.
  • Wedding certificate.
  • CPF.
  • Identity Card (RG).
  • Work Card.
  • Voter ID.

If you are indigenous and quilombola, any of these documents or the Indigenous Administrative Birth Certificate (RANI) can be used.

Now that you have the documents in hand, you should go to a registration office closest to your home or to a Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS). It is super important to bring proof of address, such as a water or electricity bill.  

Remember, when changing your address or telephone number, if there is any change in your monthly income or marital status, the birth, adoption or death of a family member, your registration must be updated.

What changes with the new 2023 policy?

Registration in the Federal Government's Single Registry (CadÚnico) will now be carried out exclusively through the Meu Cadastro application. From January 1, 2023, it will no longer be possible to register via the program's official website.

But is there still time? The deadline to register for the Federal Government's Single Registry (CUG) is December 31st. After this deadline, registration will only be open to those who have not yet registered. Therefore, register as soon as possible.

How do I stay informed?

  • Download the Cadastro Ùnico app from your app store
  • fill in the form with your information
  • This way, you will always be up to date with any changes made.

It doesn't matter if you are looking for an emergency aid program, family grant or any other government benefit, being part of the Single Registry is the first step. In case of problems with your online registration, look for a city hall service unit with personal documents and proof of residence. It is also necessary to provide the details of all the people who live with you in the same residence.

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