

How to Convert Images to PNG.


If you do not know how to transform images into PNG, a widely used format, here you will answer all your questions.

In fact, do you know what this formation is? In short, PNG is a rasterized image file, that is, it is made in pixels. The result is that images are rich in detail, with higher quality (avoiding loss) and that support transparency, contrast and screenshots.

With that in mind, discover now how to have photos and other productions in this format so loved by designers and photographers!

Como Transformar Imagens em PNG
Convert Images to PNG (Image: Google)

How to Transform Images into PNG: See 3 Options.

The first, and most famous, transformation option is using free tools, such as the online converter from Adobe. Just access, upload your photo and download. But there are also other free platforms, such as Convertio and

But another option is to save the image in this format, a feature available in several tools, such as Paint and image programs. In this case, you open your image, make the changes you want and, when saving, choose the PNG format.

However, if the image is on your cell phone, just choose some of the apps that make this change, such as Image Converter for Android and Image Converter for iOS. Here, just download the app, upload the photo in the desired format and that's it.

PNG in Canva.

Canva is a widely used tool for creating images for social networks, as it has ready-made formats, several template options and elements while being easy to use.

Therefore, when in doubt about how to transform images into PNG, you can open the image in Canva, make the edits you want and, when saving, choose this format.

It is worth noting that, according to its creation, the app or website already shows the available options.

Why Choose PNG Format.

Now that you know how to transform images into PNG, the question arises as to why choose this format, which is considered more “heavy” than JPEG in technology.

Thus, the main advantage is lossless saving, as PNG compresses the image file without it losing quality even when it is opened and saved other times.

Likewise, images will have more details and greater levels of contrast and color. Therefore, you will be able to cut, edit and transform the image without it being blurry or having any other “defect”.

Are there other formats?

Yes, you can find other formats, such as TIFF, which is controlled by Adobe, high quality and intended for digital images. This is generally used for manipulation software.

Additionally, there is the GIF, world famous on social media, with limited color scheme and great for graphics, icons, animals, short videos and illustrations.

However, there are also some others little known to the public. Such as RAW, a raw digital camera sensor capture format, EXIF, which is also used in cameras and records technical information in the file, and WEBP, which facilitates compression without reducing quality.

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