

Curious Countries: Discover the Countries Where It Doesn't Get Dark.


Firstly, there are countries where a day has around 20 to 24 hours, varying depending on how close you are to the pole for a long time. Therefore, this means that for weeks and months it is usually clear and sunny. So now discover the countries where it doesn't get dark and choose which one you would like to meet.

Generally, places like these have a different geographic location, close to the earth's poles. Furthermore, the phenomenon occurs because the Earth is tilted with an axis of approximately 23 degrees. In other words, this means that the sun only rises and sets once a year.

Normally, phenomena like this are observed closer to the North Pole, the Arctic Circle, as it has human settlements. But it also happens in southern regions close to the Antarctic Circle, where there is no habitation. Therefore, it is only seen by scientist missions or strange adventurers. 

Países Curiosos - Conheça os Países Onde não Anoitece
Countries that don't get dark (Image: Canva Pro)

Norway and Iceland: Countries that do not get dark.

As Norway is located at a high latitude, it has large seasonal variations throughout the day. Generally, between the summer months or the end of May until the end of July, the sun does not go down completely. Therefore, the sun does not reach below the horizon located north of the Arctic Circle. Furthermore, because it has an average of 20 hours of sunlight daily, Norway is known as the “Land of the Midnight Sun”. 

So, if you want to experience a full day, go to northern Norway. Well, the sun never sets there and you can literally enjoy the days in the city. Additionally, book an outdoor bike ride, sea kayak, golf, fish, or even take a cruise and soak up your incredible northern midnight sun days.

However, the country is full of beautiful, varied landscapes, where you can have access to volcanoes, waterfalls, glaciers and even camp. On top of that, you can also ride Icelandic horses or play golf, the most popular sport in the country.

Canada and Sweden: Curious Countries.

In Canada, in the Northwest territories, the days are clear for an average of 50 days throughout the summer. Therefore, during this season it is possible to fish and hunt a lot. Additionally, you can take part in the famous annual Great Northern Arts festival, which takes place in mid-July. On top of that, you can play golf on the tundra and also participate in the Midnight Sun Fun Run. 

Another place you can enjoy the midnight sun is Sweden, Stockholm. Well, there the sun sets at more or less midnight and then rises at 4:30 in the morning. Additionally, you can take a walk on the water to see the midnight sun. 

Another place in Sweden where you can enjoy these natural phenomena is in Skansen. The city is a replica of 19th century Sweden full of artisans, traditional houses and merchants. What's more, you can enjoy a visit to Bjorkliden to play a good game of night golf in broad daylight. 

Finland: The Happiest Country in the World.

Lastly, don't forget to visit Finland. However, once you get there, do activities such as climbing, cycling or hiking. Well, these are some of the activities you can enjoy when visiting the country of the midnight sun. 

Also, an important tip is that you visit Finland during the Finnish national holiday. Therefore, this time of summer is the month when the sun does not set. The period is ideal for people who enjoy lighting bonfires, boating and also fishing.

However, Finland is considered the happiest country in the world. Research has attributed Finland's leadership to a healthy life expectancy. However, it has a high GDP per capita, a lot of social support in times of difficulty, low corruption and high social trust. Therefore, we can consider it a beautiful travel destination.

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