

Tips to better organize your clothes in your wardrobe.


First of all, the secret to having a well-organized closet is not keeping more things in it than it fits. Therefore, the ideal is that you don't leave too many things in it that you don't use taking up space. So, look at these Tips for better organizing your clothes in your closet. Furthermore, giving it a weekly cleaning undoubtedly helps a lot to maintain its organization.

On top of that, you certainly won't need to spend a lot of your money to have the ideal closet. In fact, for cost-free closet organization, the first step is just to revamp your organization methods. Therefore, you will need to reduce the number of pieces in your wardrobe, separate seasonal clothes and implement special folding and stacking methods. In other words, you can easily transform all of these methods into daily habits.

However, if you can spend a little on organizing your closet, then start by purchasing simple boxes, baskets, and hooks. Well, these items can help separate parts and keep them in their rightful place. Furthermore, these utensils last a long time and end up being very useful. But, if spending is not an option for you, check out zero-cost tips for organizing your closet.

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Organizing the Wardrobe (Image: Canva Pro)

Start by organizing your belongings.

First and foremost, the principle for any home organization project is to reduce unnecessary items. So, with that in mind, you will start by pre-organizing before actually tidying up. This will reduce the items that need to be stored and also find their rightful place.

Therefore, start with the larger items that consequently take up more space. Therefore, if you have a room in the house with more space that is not being used, these items can go there. So, place equipment, vacuum cleaners, large suitcases and other rarely used items in these places and immediately remove them from your closet.

Later, make 3 boxes with what will be donated, kept and what will go in the trash. Finally, when you get to the part of arranging the kept items, also separate them by seasonality. This way, only the pieces that are actually being used at that time of year will remain. However, the other pieces, for example, can be stored in a suitcase in another room in the house.

Organize Parts by Priority.

Firstly, if your closet is very small and has few divisions, the ideal is to look for closet dividers. Well, this is a cheap and very versatile option for organizing your clothes and accessories. Therefore, if you choose to buy these containers, also use labels to name what you will put in each part.

Now, you should divide the pieces by type, such as sweaters, jeans and dresses to make organization easier. Then, prioritize arranging pieces according to the volume and height of each one. In other words, on the lowest or shortest shelves, place the tops, on the medium shelves with hooks, place long dresses and high, spacious shelves place the coats.  

However, you can also divide your clothes by color if you prefer. But, be sure to separate by pieces before separating by colors, this will make it easier to find what you need. Also, leave what you use most on shelves with the easiest access. Therefore, keep items that you rarely use out of reach.

Remove everything you no longer use from your wardrobe.

Now, after organizing and placing everything in its proper place in your wardrobe, it's time to throw away what you no longer use. However, after removing everything you don't use from your wardrobe, start separating what will be donated and what needs to go in the trash. 

This way, doing this will help you keep only what you really need in your closet and there will be space left. Without a doubt, your wardrobe will stay organized for longer after putting these tips into practice to better organize your clothes in your closet.

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