

Tips for Taking Professional Photos Using Your Cell Phone.


To the Tips for taking professional photos using your cell phone They will allow you to use your smartphone to the fullest, with incredible productions and images that will take your breath away.

But that's not all, these tips will also help you get out of your comfort zone, discovering everything that's beautiful around you or even taking your first steps as a professional in the field.

So, don't miss out and enjoy everything these tips have to offer you now!

Dicas Para Tirar Fotos Profissionais Usando o Celular
Take Professional Photos with Your Cell Phone (Image: Pixabay)

A Clean Lens Changes Images.

It's no secret that cell phones are always in our hands, the result is that they end up getting dirty more easily, even if it's just dust or natural environmental pollution.

Therefore, the first tip is to always clean the device's screen and lens well, so that the “eyes” work as they should.

Generally, the main dirt includes fingerprints, fog, dust particles and more. So, take a soft tissue and clean it before you start.

Focus Tools Are There To Help.

Not everyone knows or uses this functionality, but the truth is that it has been available on most devices for a few years now.

This way, most of it works by touching the middle of the screen, where a square or circle will appear.

So, just click on the area of the photo where you want the largest photo, so that this symbol appears, and that's it. The device automatically highlights that space.

Taking Professional Photos Using Your Cell Phone: Avoid Using Zoom.

You may even find it a little strange, as some devices already come with good technology zoom. But the reality is that most don't.

Thus, cell phones almost always end up reducing image quality when the zoom is activated, causing the photo to be out of focus and with poor clarity.

Therefore, whenever possible, get closer to the person/object instead of zooming in, but when you need to use it, check if the quality is worth it.

See what your Camera has to offer.

Currently, most cell phones have several specific features that must be used to get the best results.

An example of this is the portrait or selfie camera, ideal for places with good lighting, telephoto, which is the camera with a type of built-in zoom that blurs the background, wide, suitable for very extensive landscapes or large groups of people, etc.

So, browse the features of your camera and see what it has to offer.

Framing and Perspective When Taking Professional Photos Using Your Cell Phone.

Framing refers to centralizing a point in the image, avoiding undesirable things and better organizing everything that will make up the photo. To do this, you can use the “grid”, available in the camera settings.

Perspective refers to the expected effect considering what is in the image, using different positions, distances and angles.

The tip is to start getting out of the selfie zone and discover new frames and perspectives, to have fantastic and different images.

Discover How to use Light and Flash.

There is no denying it, the better the natural light (clarity), the better the image. Just take a photo in natural light and another in artificial light to notice the difference. On the other hand, look at how the light reflects and where it's coming from, as excess can be a problem.

So, when opting for a flash, avoid getting too close to the object/person, distributing the lighting better. Additionally, using the flash in natural light can better balance the result when the person is facing away from the light.

In other words, natural light and flash can help a lot, but greater care and attention is needed to deal with shadows or avoid that “scare” look on people's faces.

Keep the Camera Steady.

To take professional photos using your cell phone, it is essential to keep the camera stable, or the entire image could be compromised.

In this case, it may be advisable to support the cell phone on an object or use a tripod, allowing you to program the camera or not.

Currently, many tripods have a “shutter”, a type of remote control that works remotely. Just connect to the device via Bluetooth and enjoy.

Other Tips for Taking Professional Photos Using Your Cell Phone.

Finally, know the rules of thirds, that is, imagine that the camera has a tic-tac-toe game (use the grids), to compose in a harmonious way, the objects/people must be at the crossing points of these lines. In fact, this is one of the bases of photography.

Another tip is to focus on editing, which will make all the difference in the image. So, take some time to test different variations, study and be more daring.

Anyway, to find out more, follow all the posts and start entering this professional world without spending anything on cameras. Then, comment on your results!

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