

Payroll Loan: Find Out How to Get It 


In an emergency situation, resorting to a type of financial credit can be a great alternative. But it is worth remembering that it is better to carefully evaluate some Payday Loan options. Therefore, check out everything about the Payday Loan and find out how to get it. 

In principle, the Payroll Loan is a type of credit that you request and the value of the installments will be charged directly to your payroll. In the case of retirement, the deduction is made directly from the salary. Therefore, the payroll loan is aimed at public servants who work with a formal contract, retirees or even pensioners. 

Therefore, if you are looking for an alternative that offers good conditions, the Payroll Loan is a great option. The interest is lower than a traditional loan, so it also involves less risk, that is, if the installment is deducted from the payroll (salary) there is no chance of delay or default.

Empréstimo Consignado: Descubra como Conseguir 
Payroll Loan (Image: Google)

Consigned Loan, see now how to get it

A Payday Loan can help many people and it can also be a great way to solve problems or achieve goals. Also, know that you have the hassle-free credit option, check out how it works below. 

How to apply for an uncomplicated Payroll Loan:

You can request an uncomplicated Payroll Loan in a super easy and quick way. In principle, you can be approved in a way with fewer complications. This way, you will only need your documents and personal data for proof, such as:

  • RG;
  • CPF;
  • Proof of address;
  • Proof of income; (INSS salary or benefit)

After that, a credit analysis will be carried out, which can take 48 hours and when approved, the money must then be deposited into a current account. But before choosing the institution, it is necessary to check whether the company or INSS has an agreement with the bank that will make the request. 

If there is a partnership, you must go to the necessary agency and request the loan or, if you prefer, you can do it through the website or application through self-service, then you provide the requested documentation and the contract must be signed.

Remembering that the installments of your contract are deducted directly from your salary on the exact day of payment or on a defined day, this will happen from the first to the last day. Once you close the contract, the interest rates are set and cannot change over the term. 

Discover now 3 advantages of the Payroll Loan 

Know that there are three advantages of Payday Loans that you need to know before taking out them, check them out!

1. Firstly, know that not everyone can request a Payroll Loan, the people who are able to contract are:

  • Contract workers;
  • INSS retirees and pensioners;
  • Public servants;
  • Military personnel from the armed forces;

2. The second advantage is that credit is only released to those who have a margin known as a consigned margin, which can compromise more than 30% of income. Furthermore, if you have an ongoing loan, the sum of the two installments cannot exceed. If you already have a loan that consumes 30% of your salary, you will not need to request a contract. 

3. In cases where there is a risk of losing your job, you will need to pay off the loan all at once or switch to a personal loan, but it is worth remembering that it may be a little more expensive with higher rates and interest.

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