

Fruits You Can Offer Your Cockatiel.


If you have a cockatiel, it's perfectly normal to worry about its diet. Therefore, varying the menu is essential to ensure that your bird eats adequately. Furthermore, it is also important to provide nutrients necessary for the bird through food. Therefore, see the fruits that you can offer to your cockatiel without fear.

On the other hand, you should ask yourself which fruits can fit into this balanced diet. So, look for the best options that fit into the bird's diet appropriately. Furthermore, see information about the importance of fruits and which ones you can include in your diet.

It is also worth noting that Cockatiels in the wild have a diet based on fresh fruits, insects or vegetables daily. However, when birds are in a domestic environment, these birds do not know what food is best for them. Therefore, they can become extremely dependent on seeds if they are not conditioned to eat properly. 

Frutas Que Você Pode Oferecer Para sua Calopsita
Bird Food (Image: Canva Pro)

Apples, Strawberries and Bananas: Healthy Foods.

First, there is no doubt that apples are delicious for your cockatiel to eat all year round. However, try to remove all the seeds. Because they contain cyanide, a highly toxic substance for your bird. Furthermore, it is essential to cut the apples into small pieces and peel them beforehand. This makes it easier to handle the bird and also prevents choking.

Another fruit that can be offered to your bird is strawberries, and despite having many seeds, they do not harm the bird. Plus, strawberries tend to make a great summer snack. Typically, strawberries are low in calories and sugar and you can offer them whole or cut.

Now, bananas are usually a great snack to offer your cockatiel. Because, in addition to being good to eat because they are soft, they are also rich in potassium. Furthermore, the fruit can be found all year round, so there will be no shortage of bananas to offer your cockatiel. Another positive point is that you can use the entire banana, including the peel. Furthermore, always choose organic bananas, as they are safer for the bird.

Grapes and Pears: A Balanced Diet.

Note that grapes are an available and delicious fruit at any time of the year. Furthermore, it doesn't matter whether you offer green or red fruit, both are great. Make sure there are no seeds inside the grapes before feeding them. You can also blend them to make them easier to consume.

Another delicious option to feed your cockatiel is pears, which are not only beautiful but also tasty. Therefore, choose the softest pears possible and offer your cockatiel cut into small pieces. Also, don't forget to remove the seeds before offering the fruit.

In short, most fruits are safe to feed your bird. Therefore, a well-balanced diet will make your bird live well and better. Therefore, be sure to also feed your bird with organic seeds, vegetables and plenty of water.

Is there an Ideal Amount of Fruit for Cockatiels?

Finally, ideally, you should try to limit the amount of fruits and vegetables you offer your cockatiel. Therefore, your bird's fruit diet should only make up 20-30% of the entire diet. So the other 70% must be composed of seeds. Well, seeds and pellets are not the only source of food for your birds.

Therefore, fruits should only be given as treats and only offered between meals. Therefore, fruits can be seen as a reward and not as the bird's main dish. It is also extremely important to consult a veterinarian before making any changes to the diet.

However, these were some fruit tips that you can offer your cockatiel. So, if you liked this content, access our “Tips” category and discover much more.

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