

Google Assistant: What it is for and how to activate the functions


To make life easier for users, Google launched Google Assistant, the company's voice assistant. At the time of its launch, Google Assistant was an extension of the famous Google Now, created for personal use even though its mission was to expand the company's existing voice controls. Therefore, we will show you how the Google Assistant!

Firstly, it is worth mentioning that Google Assistant has not completely changed in relation to Google Now, as the old application also has a lot of interesting information. In this sense, it knows all your tastes and habits, especially to share information relevant to you.

Furthermore, the platform also helps us with simple functions, such as making a call or listening to music, for example. This way, we'll show you what it can do, and how to activate the platform's essential functions to make your daily life easier. Check it out below!

Google Assistente: Para que Serve e como Ativar as Funções
Google Assistant (Image: Google)

How does Google Assistant work?

In principle, it is a platform that offers voice commands, control of voice-activated devices and search for information by voice. In this sense, it is possible to perform various tasks, such as scheduling appointments, marking favorite songs, making calls, among other things. Basically, the app serves as a conversation between you and the Google platform.

In short, the main tasks are:

  • Control the music you listen to;
  • Configure smart home devices and appliances;
  • Access personal information and data;
  • Access information online, through the Google search engine;
  • Schedule dates and appointments, such as a restaurant reservation, for example;
  • Install and open applications on your smartphone;
  • Send messages;
  • Set reminders;
  • Play content via Chromecast;
  • Access your notifications on social networks;
  • Access games.

Therefore, it can be said that Google Assist offers several benefits for your daily life. Therefore, check out how to activate the main functions of the platform:

How to send messages?

To send messages with the Google Assistant, simply say “Send messages to” and mention the person's name. For example, say “Hey Google, send a message to Pedro”. Then, the platform will open the messaging app on your cell phone, and you can create the message you want.

How to make calls?

To make calls with Google Assistant, the procedure is very similar to the previous one. To do this, say “Hey Google, call (person’s name)”. So, when you say, for example “Ok Google, call Luana”, the call will start immediately.

How to do research?

As it is from Google, the platform is directly linked to its search engine. Therefore, you can search for anything, just say “Ok Google, what is the best news of the day”, or “Ok Google, will it rain today?”. This way, it will show the main search engine results, to complete your search.

How to open an application?

Finally, to open an app with the Google Assistant, just say the word “Open” following the name of the app. For example, say “Ok Google, open Instagram” and in a few seconds the app will be open on your phone.

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