

Youth Identity (ID Jovem) – Find out how to Obtain your Card


Thinking about the well-being of students, the Federal Government created a program to facilitate interstate travel for these citizens. Called Young Identity, or just ID Jovem, the program offers half-price benefits on various services. So, check out how to request yours!

Although it is a benefit intended for half-tickets, whether for cultural or sporting events, for example, ID Jovem became quite famous for offering half-tickets or ticket exemptions for interstate travel. In this sense, any student can request the benefit, as long as they meet the criteria.

Therefore, applying for a Youth ID is easier than it seems, as the procedure for issuing cards has been made easier. So, check out what a Youth ID is and how to request it!

Identidade Jovem (ID Jovem) - Saiba como Obter a sua Carteira
ID Jovem (Image: Google)

What is Youth ID?

ID Jovem, or Identidade Jovem, is a document created by the Federal Government to provide access to half-price benefits at sporting and cultural events, in addition to ensuring free or discounted places on interstate travel. The document was determined by Decree 8,537/2015, which aimed at the well-being of thousands of young people in Brazil.

ID Jovem was the result of an initiative by the National Youth Secretariat (SNJ), in partnership with the Ministry of Women and Family and Human Rights (MMFDH). According to data released by the Government, since its creation, ID Jovem has benefited more than 2 million young Brazilians.

Who can apply for a Youth ID?

ID Jovem is aimed at young people between 15 and 29 years old, belonging to families with a monthly income of up to two minimum wages. Furthermore, the family group must be registered in the Single Registry (Cadúnico).

At the same time, it is also necessary for the young person to meet the following requirements:

  • Have registration in the Single Registry (CadÚnico);
  • Monthly family income of up to two minimum wages;
  • Have a NIS number (Social Identification Number). 

It is worth mentioning that all documents and registration must be up to date, otherwise it will not be possible to grant the benefit.

How do I request a Youth ID?

Thinking about users' comfort, the Federal Government launched the ID Jovem 2.0 application, currently only available for Android. Through the application, it is possible to request a card, in addition to checking other information on how the benefit works.

It is worth noting that the Youth ID is valid for six months. However, with ID Jovem 2.0, it is possible to renew the card easily.

Therefore, to be able to request your card, have your CadÚnico registration and social identification number (NIS) on hand. Then, when accessing the application, you must enter the following data:

  • Full name;
  • Mother's name;
  • Date of birth;
  • NIS number.

After completing registration, the Youth ID will be available for printing. If you prefer, you can also keep the digital version in the app, to present yourself whenever necessary.

Finally, it is worth highlighting that the request for half-price with the Youth ID varies depending on the state and service. Therefore, consult your city's road system or other agencies to identify the best time to use the benefit. 

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