

3D Printer: Learn More About This Incredible Technology.


First of all, it is important to remember that the technology began to develop in the early 80s. That is, even before the famous TV shows. Therefore, in the year 1981, Hideo Kodama was the first to report how photopolymer materials could harden when exposed to UV light. In this way, it could be used to manufacture solid prototypes. So, find out more about this incredible technology, what is the 3d printer.

Thus, although he was the first to publish on the subject, he was not the first to build a 3D printer. Well, this prestige was given to engineer Chuck Hull. Therefore, in 1984 he was the first to design and create the first 3D printer. 

Therefore, at the time he worked for a company that, using UV lamps, created resistant and durable coverings for tables. Therefore, he came up with the idea of ​​harnessing ultraviolet light to make small prototypes. With that, in his Hull laboratory, he was able to tinker with this idea for months.

Impressora 3D - Saiba Mais Sobre Essa Tecnologia Incrível
3d printer (Image: Canva Pro)

See how this technology works in practice.

Therefore, to work, photopolymers were used that remained in a liquid state until they reacted to ultraviolet light. Furthermore, the system that Hull thought of developing was known as stereolithography. Well, it used a beam of UV light to sketch the shape of the object from a vat of liquid photopolymer. As a result, every time the light beam hardened along the surface of each layer, the platform moved downwards and other layers went through the same process.

He filed a patent for the technology in 1984. But it was three weeks later that a team of French inventors, Alain Le Méhauté, Olivier de Witte and Jean Claude André, filed a patent for a similar process. Unfortunately, over time, its employees abandoned their jobs and no longer wanted to develop the project. 

As a result, Chuck Hull later copyrighted the term “Stereolithography”. Therefore, the patent was titled “Device for Production of Three-Dimensional Objects by Stereolithography”. It was then issued on March 11, 1986. Furthermore, in the same year Hull also deployed 3D systems in Valencia, California to begin rapid prototyping on a commercial scale.

How 3D Technology is Used in Printing.

Thus, Chuck Hull's patent covered many functions of 3D printing. For example, design and operational software. Additionally, techniques and a variety of materials were also included. However, other inventors were developing the concept with different approaches. 

In 1989, a Texas graduate student named Carl Deckard was granted a patent. With this, he developed a method called selective laser sintering. In this way, a laser beam was used to unite powder materials to form a layer of the object. 

As well, other variations, such as direct metal laser sintering and selective laser melting, have been used to create metal objects. Furthermore, the most popular and recognizable way of 3D printing is known as fused deposition modeling.

The Evolution of 3D Printing Technology.

However, fortunately in 2010, the high costs of 3D printers were decreasing. As a result, it became more accessible to the general public. In addition, low costs, ease and quality of printing have also taken a leap forward. Not to mention that the quality of the material used in the printer has also become much better.

Finally, in 2019, 3D printing of the largest functional building was completed. Currently, 3D printing is consistently used to develop hearing aids and various healthcare issues. Furthermore, several industries and sectors have adopted technology to improve work.

So, do you know what can be done with a 3D printer? Jewelry, decoration and fashion items can be made using printers like these. Know that the design and fashion industry uses 3D printing more and more every day to produce personalized pieces. Therefore, with demanding customers increasingly seeking authenticity, starting a business in this sector can be very promising.

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