

Save Money With the Virtual Piggy Bank.


Do you want to innovate the way you save money? So get ready, because now it's possible save money with the virtual piggy bank. That's right. With it, you now have an easy way to save your money to make your dreams come true.

However, as it is a new modality, not everyone knows what it is or even how to use this option to save money, however, in this post, we will tell you everything you need to know about the subject.

In general, the way to save money online is through applications and websites, with the functionalities of each one varying greatly, where you must choose the best option according to the benefits. Good reading!

Poupe Dinheiro Com o Cofrinho Virtual
Digital piggy bank (Image: Google)


Oinc is an application that promises to help you save money with the Virtual Piggy Bank, in a simple and practical way, without you even realizing it. The idea is that you can, while saving money, achieve your goals safely.

Available for you to download from the App Store or Google Play, Oinc has a free version, and a paid version, where it is offered for 30 days free to test and then, you need to pay for a plan.

The value of the paid plan can even be considered symbolic, as the price is R$ 3.90 per month. Each plan offers specific alternatives that need to be evaluated by you before deciding to hire or not:

What are the Plans Available through the App?

There are two plans available through the Oinc app, one free and one paid. In the free plan, you can save money whenever you want by making a transfer via PIX, TED or paying a bill.

On the other hand, in the paid plan, you have all the free options, plus two additional options, which is the chance to automatically save money using your credit card. The other is what the app calls exchange, where for each transaction you make, the cents are rounded up, automatically adding that money.

Finally, both offer you a graph showing the process of your goal and promise that the money will yield 13.75% per year, that is, 100% of Selic. This way, you will be able to earn much more than in savings.

How to Use the App.

After knowing a little more about the Oinc app, you are ready to start using it on your cell phone. To do this, the first step is to download it, typing the name and downloading the first option.

Once this is done, you need to click on CREATE OINC and enter some information about yourself to be able to create an account on the app. After completing registration, it is important to define the financial objective you want to achieve.

Now you need to configure Automatic Piggy Bank, where it is important to define the amount that will be saved automatically and what period will be for this. In addition, you must choose the day of the week or month of the deposit. You also need to configure the exchange, integrating your bank accounts, so all purchases made will be leased. Okay, now just put it together.

52 Week Challenge.

Several banks have been offering their customers the opportunity to save money through a challenge called 52 weeks. In it, the idea is to help you learn how to save money every week. The value is no problem, it can be R$ 1, if you want, the objective of the project is for you to start. The project was developed by Kassondra Perry-Moreland in 2013.

The original idea is to save money according to the number of the week, for example, in the first week, the amount would be R$ 1, in the second, R$ 2, in the third, R$ 3 and so on, until the last one arrives. week, where you would save R$ 52.00. At the end of the year, the amount saved is R$ 1,378, considering that the money will not be used in any savings.

Some of the banks that use this idea of helping you save money within the company itself, as if it were a virtual piggy bank, include Creditas, Banco Neon, Pagseguro, Nubank and Banco Inter. Each one offers a different way and a different amount to save, but they all have the same objective, to help you start saving money.

Dream Savings.

Banco do Brasil is another bank that decided to create its own Virtual Piggy Bank, called Poupança dos Sonhos. The idea is to offer customers an alternative to savings, so that they can develop the habit of starting to save money and carry out financial planning.

Using the tool, you can choose between different categories your goals that lead you to save money and define a name for each one, if you want to have more than one. This way, you can know which goals are closest to being achieved and which are still far away.

Furthermore, just like the first option we presented here, you will have the right to define the amounts and the period in which you want to save the money, whether once a week or a month, varying according to your objectives.

How to Use Dream Savings.

Now that you understand what the app is, let's understand how you can use Poupança dos Sonhos. The first thing that needs to be done is to open the Banco do Brasil app on your cell phone. If you don't already have one, you can use the internet banking option to do the same actions.

After opening the app, go to Menu and scroll down to SAVINGS. By clicking on the option, several actions you want will appear, such as extract, apply, redeem and dreams. To make your virtual piggy bank, go to the DREAMS option. You will then be asked to create a dream, create one and name your goal.

Finally, you must add all the requested data such as the name of the dream, category, the money goal of your dream, as well as the period for which you will save the money. That's it, your virtual piggy bank is ready. It is worth remembering that profitability is in a reserve being applied with inflation correction.

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