

Casa Verde e Amarela Program – Find out how it works and how to register


With the mission of helping needy families to obtain their own cover, the Green and Yellow House Program was developed. The housing program aims to assist low-income families in financing real estate. So, check out how it works and how to register below!

In principle, it is worth mentioning that to participate in the program, it is necessary to meet some requirements, such as being of legal age and falling within established income groups. Furthermore, people who already have real estate in mind will be able to use the benefit for a possible contract.

Therefore, according to the Federal Government, the expectation is that the Casa Verde e Amarela Program will help more than 1.6 million families to realize their dream of owning their own home. So, check out more about him!

Programa Casa Verde e Amarela - Descubra como Funciona e como se Cadastrar
Casa Verde and Amarela Program (Image: Google)

Who is entitled to the Green and Yellow House?

In order to serve the largest number of families, the Casa Verde e Amarela Program established three income groups to receive the benefit. So, they are:

Group 1

Group 1 is made up of needy families, with a monthly income of up to R$2,400.00.

Group 2

In group 2, families must have a gross monthly income between R$ 2,400.01 and R$ 4,400.

Group 3

Families with incomes between R$ 4,400.01 and R$ 8 thousand benefit from group 3.

Therefore, each PCVA income group has specific benefits, with subsidies, lower interest rates, income composition, among many others. Furthermore, some of them can also use FGTS for financing.

Who can register for Casa Verde e Amarela?

In principle, to participate in the program, the citizen must meet certain requirements, namely:

  • Be over 18 years old;
  • Do not own properties in your own name;
  • Be Brazilian or naturalized in the country;
  • Must not have participated in other Federal Government housing programs;
  • Not have the National Register of Borrowers (CADMUT).

How to register Casa Verde and Amarela?

If you meet the Casa Verde and Amarelo prerequisites, then there are three options to register for the program:

  • Go directly to Caixa Econômica Federal;
  • Through a construction partner of the program;
  • Or in entities linked to the program, which have a link with Caixa.

After registering, you must learn the necessary documentation to simulate your hiring. Therefore, if everything is in order, it is now possible to sign the financing contract.

What documents are needed to register with Casa Verde e Amarela?

Firstly, when appearing at one of the locations available for registration, it is necessary to present the following documents:

  • ID or CNH;
  • CPF;
  • Marriage Certificate or Stable Union Contract
  • Birth Certificate (for singles);
  • Proof of income;
  • Work card;
  • Voter ID;
  • Proof of current residence;
  • Birth Certificate and CPF of children under 18;
  • Current Medical Report (for people with disabilities).

Finally, it is recommended to bring authenticated documents from the aforementioned documents, to facilitate your registration in the program. After completing all the steps, you will be ready to receive financing from Casa Verde e Amarela.

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