

Milk Pudding Recipe in the Pressure Cooker.


Without a doubt, doing this pressure cooker milk pudding recipe, is what everyone would like. Well, the dessert is delicious, simple to make and unlikely to fail to please everyone. However, despite enjoying the dessert, not everyone has the patience to go through the entire process, which is often time-consuming. But what few people know is that this way of making pudding is much faster and is just as good.

However, pudding is one of the most traditional desserts at lunches and family gatherings. Also, it is possible to find several variations of the recipe, and you can use coconut milk or even bread in the mix. Furthermore, it is an economical sweet that is accessible to all budgets. Although the dessert is very famous in Brazil, it was not created in Brazilian territory. Therefore, many say that the pudding is originally from Portugal.

So, you'll probably want to learn how to make a delicious sweet like this. Well, it goes well during festive seasons or simple family lunches on Sundays. So, see how to make dessert even faster, using the pressure cooker.

Receita de Pudim de Leite na Panela de Pressão
Milk Pudding Recipe (Image: Canva Pro)

Ingredients Used in this Pudding Recipe.

  • 3 whole eggs.
  • 1 can or box of condensed milk.
  • Liquid milk (same measure as condensed milk).
  • A teaspoon of cornstarch or powdered milk.
  • 1 cup of sugar (tea cup measure).
  • Half a cup of water (tea cup measure).

See How to Prepare Milk Pudding in the Pressure Cooker.

First of all, make sure you look for a pudding mold that fits in your pressure cooker. Without a doubt, this is extremely important to make the recipe this way. Then, put sugar in a pan and let it melt over medium heat. Then, stir constantly until it becomes caramelized. Then, reduce the heat temperature and add water, keep mixing until it caramelizes.

Now, before the caramel hardens, pour it into the pudding mold. Then add the eggs, milk, condensed milk and powdered milk into the blender. Then, beat continuously for about 4 minutes. Then, add this mixture to the caramelized mold, cover it tightly with aluminum foil, make sure it is well closed so that no water gets inside. Now, add two cups of water to the pan and then the pudding mold.

To finish, wait for the pan to come to pressure and after 10 minutes turn off the heat. After the pressure has released, open the pan and test with a toothpick to see if it's good. If the toothpick doesn't come out clean, put it back on the heat and count another 5 minutes after pressing. Finally, refrigerate the pudding for at least 4 hours. Then, just remove and serve chilled.

This Traditional Milk Pudding Recipe is Worth Making.

Finally, here are some valuable tips. Therefore, if you don't want your pudding to have an egg flavor, simply sift the yolks before adding to the mixture. Well, this will make the skin that gives off this smell come off completely. Also, if you like your pudding with holes, beat it for a little longer.

In short, it's okay that pudding isn't an entirely Brazilian sweet. But, it is clear that over time some changes were made that left it with the flavor of Brazilian cuisine. Well, the initial recipes were not like those of today, that is, each region made its own modifications according to what they like to consume.

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