

Watermelon Ice Cream Recipe


Today's recipe is a delicious and refreshing dessert, perfect for hot summer days: watermelon ice cream recipe! This easy-to-make ice cream is naturally dairy-free and vegan, and the ingredients can be easily found in any supermarket.

Watermelon is a delicious fruit that can be used to make a variety of recipes, including ice cream. Watermelon ice cream is a favorite among ice cream lovers and is very easy to make at home. You just need a few basic ingredients and a food processor or blender.

But you also need the quick and easy recipe we offer here. So be open to making this delicious recipe for your friends and family quickly. You'll just need a little patience to wait for it to freeze. The rest I'm sure you can do in less than 10 minutes.

Receita de Sorvete de Melancia
Watermelon ice cream (Image: Google)


Watermelon is a refreshing and fragrant fruit that is great in ice cream. For this recipe you will need:

  • 1 piece of ripe watermelon
  • 1 liter of whole milk
  • 1 can of cream
  • 2 cups of refined sugar
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla essence

Cut the watermelon into cubes and refrigerate for at least two hours. Blend in a blender with the milk and sugar until you obtain a homogeneous mixture. Place in a pan, add the cream and vanilla essence and heat over low heat, stirring constantly until it thickens. Serve chilled.

Method of preparation

  • To start, wash the watermelon well and cut it into pieces.
  • Place the watermelon pieces in a food processor or blender and blend until puree.
  • Then add the condensed milk and lemon juice to the mixture and beat again until smooth.
  • Finally, transfer the mixture to an ice cream mold and refrigerate for at least 4 hours before serving.
  • Now you need a few tips to make your ice cream as beautiful as possible.

Tips to improve the watermelon ice cream recipe

You might be wondering what to do to make this quick and easy watermelon ice cream recipe even better. Don't worry, your question will be resolved with the tips below.

1. First, wash and cut the watermelon into cubes. You can use a knife or a vegetable peeler for this.

2. Then place the watermelon cubes in a pan and add enough water to cover them.

3. Place the pan on the fire and let it cook until the watermelon is soft. This will take about 10 minutes.

4. After the watermelon is cooked, blend it in a blender until it becomes puree.

5. Add the watermelon puree to the ice cream recipe as directed by the ice cream maker or ice cream machine manufacturer. Follow the instructions to get the ice cream with the desired texture.

With your recipe ready, you should know what to avoid in watermelon for better use in the future. With that in mind, we created the subtitle below.

What to avoid in watermelon

For good ice cream you need good watermelon care. And when it comes to watermelon, it's important to avoid some common mistakes to ensure perfect flavor. Here are some tips:

  • Do not use an overripe watermelon. A ripe watermelon may taste sour and will be difficult to process. Look for a watermelon that is just right – neither too green nor too ripe.
  • Wash your watermelon well before starting to prepare the ice cream. This will help remove any impurities that may be present on the surface of the fruit.
  •  Do not use watermelon rind in the recipe. The watermelon rind can impart a bitter flavor to the ice cream, so it is important to remove it before starting to process the fruit.
  • By following these tips, you can be sure that your watermelon ice cream will be delicious!

After following these tips, you need to know how to buy a good watermelon. Watermelon is a delicious and refreshing fruit, but choosing the best one can be a challenge. Here are some tips to avoid when choosing a watermelon:

  • Don't pay attention to the appearance of the fruit. A watermelon can look perfect on the outside but be completely rotten on the inside.
  • Avoid watermelons that are too heavy for their size. This may indicate that the fruit is full of water and will not be as flavorful as a lighter fruit.
  • Don't choose a watermelon with a very thin rind. These fruits tend to have less flesh and more seeds than other varieties.
  • By following these tips, you should be able to find the perfect watermelon to suit your taste!

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