

Do you know what Starlink is? Discover This Project Now.


If there's something that perhaps most people aren't yet familiar with, it's the modern Starlink. But, Do you know what Starlink is?? Well, the project is an enterprise that aims to sell internet connections to practically everyone on the planet. All this, with the help of a growing network of private satellites operating overhead.

Furthermore, Starlink is the name of the spaceflight and orbiting satellite company. Thus, this network began to be developed since 2015. As a result, the first prototype satellites were used and launched into orbit in 2018.

SpaceX subsequently deployed several Starlink satellites into the constellation with several successful launches. Among them, the most current was carried out on April 21 and managed to deliver another 53 satellites into low Earth orbit. Therefore, the total number of satellites sent rose to 2,388. However, more than 2,000 appear to be operational parts of the constellation.

Você Sabe o que é a Starlink Conheça Agora Esse Projeto
Starlink (Image: Canva Pro)

How Does Starlink Work?

Now, after years of being developed at SpaceX and after securing almost U$885.5 million in subsidies. Subsequently, Starlink managed to accelerate the pace in 2021. Furthermore, after three years of successful launches, the project passed the mark of 1,000 satellites in orbit. Within a year or so, there were dozens of successful launches. 

Currently, Starlink has around 2,000 satellites operating in orbit. Furthermore, business around Starlink has been steadily accelerating. Last year, for example, Elon Musk's company announced that Starlink served more than 10,000 customers. Subsequently, pre-orders were expanded to a greater number of customers. 

This made it possible to explore the possibility of providing in-flight Wi-Fi for passenger aircraft. In addition, more than 100,000 satellite internet terminals were sent by Starlink to various customers. In addition, around 14 countries benefited.

Learn more about the Starlink Project.

Do you know what Starlink is? Therefore, many also wonder if Starlink is a global project. The scope of service does not. However, the company is moving towards this. Therefore, when participating in a lecture last year, Musk told the audience that Starlink would soon be available throughout the world, with the exception of the North and South Poles. Therefore, it would probably be available from August onwards after regulatory approval. 

However, in September last year, Musk said that Starlink would move beyond its initial phase from October. Thus, he continued to state that the service continued to expand. However, the broadband provider continues to face a backlog of potential customers seeking to receive equipment to start the service.

Furthermore, Starlink has also gone through times of controversy and some concerns. Where, members of the scientific community have asked some questions about the impact of satellites on the visibility of the night sky. Thus, while these issues were coming to light, other satellite internet competitors began to provoke regulatory disputes to try to slow down Musk.

The Use of Starlink in Practice.

Therefore, Starlink intends, in the same way as other providers, to sell excellent satellite internet access. Furthermore, the idea is that this internet will not only be distributed in urban areas, but also in rural areas. Mainly, in places that do not yet have fast broadband and suffer from poor internet. 

Above all, the only thing that needs to be done is to configure a small dish that can receive the signal and pass it to your router. With this, it would be possible to obtain fast internet even in distant locations and rural areas with little access.

So, now do you know what Starlink is? We can say that this technology will positively impact the media. However, finally, be aware that the average download speed of Starlink, SpaceX's satellite internet operator, can exceed 100 Mbps in 15 countries, according to Ookla, owner of the Speedtest website and app. However, in other countries, the speed can be even higher, i.e. up to 500 Mbps on the Starlink Premium plan.

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